Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Love

Ok, in line with the whole 'think about the good stuff' thing, I decided to make a short list of reasons why l love Christmas. Here it is:

1. I love the lights and the decor. I know, shallow but true.
2. I love the food! All the special dishes, reserved only for this time of the year sends this food lover into a state of bliss.
3. I love the way everyone seems to be so nostalgic and teary-eyed about...everything. The hidden romantic in me surfacing again?
4. I love to watch my kids squeal in delight when they open their gifts.
5. I love seeing the wonder in my kids eyes when they look at the parol or the tree or all the sparklies everywhere.
6. I love talking to them about Santa and being good and loving people.
7. I love meeting friends and catching up over good food, wine and/or coffee. I know this should be done more often but at least Christmas dinner is a given.
8. I love giving and receiving gifts. Yes, for all those people choking and snorting over the 'giving' part. Believe it or not, I am always excited about Christmas shopping. No matter how small the budget.
9. I love simbang gabi. This is the only novena I even contemplate doing.
10. I love that it is the longest paid holiday in my year. I am seriously considering ways to change this last point though.

So there you go. Christmas love in a nutshell. I am sure there are a million and one more reasons why I love the season but these are what come to mind for now.


Ree said...

Loving the lights and decor is NOT shallow--it's one of my favorite things too! Oh, and don't forget the music. I love presents...not just giving or getting, but also actually wrapping them. It's very therapeutic for me. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!

vicki said...

I'm glad you agree. Christmas is the season with the highest suicide rate though. Or so they say.